Scoutlier is an AMRoC Fab Lab Community Partner, and works collaboratively with the Foundation for Community Driven Innovation and AMRoC to bring accessible STEM education programming to University Area and Tampa Bay youth at the Fab Lab. Scoutlier is also a vital part of Gulf Coast MakerCon, helping coordinate and train volunteers to make volunteering at the event become valuable workforce and career-connected learning, as well as showcase a variety of fun and engaging science and tech activities.
Career ConnectED is Scoutlier’s signature focus. It is an educational tool, a free research-proven, experiential learning app that is designed to help educators streamline, enhance and customize lessons. Scoutlier allows educators to easily build accessible and meaningful lessons based on their curriculum. Available on any device, it helps students will grasp knowledge more independently and foster a deeper engagement with each activity. Teachers can track student learning journeys in real time, monitoring their progress every step of the way.
Look for Scoutlier in the front classroom of AMRoC Fab Lab where guests can explore a variety of STEM activities and learn more about Scoutlier and the work they’re doing at AMRoC Fab Lab.